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Laundry day should be a breeze. And it can be At Blue Tide Laundry. Whether you’re just washing for the week or have been putting if off for a month, with our help you’ll be done in under an hour no matter how much laundry you’ve got to do.

We have a huge store (40 washers and 35 dryers) of fast-moving machinery so you never have to wait to start a load, or wait long for it to finish. Our goal is to take a task nobody wants to do – laundry – and make it fast and easy so you can get back to your life.


Save time and get your laundry done in 4 minutes! It only takes 2 minutes to drop it off and 2 only to pick it up. If you’re always short on time, let us make laundry day a breeze. We’ll do your laundry while you do your thing. That’s multitasking!

Drop your laundry off Monday through Friday before 9 am, we can have it ready for you by 5 pm. Get it to us Friday after 9, Saturday, or Sunday, and we guarantee your clothes will be ready for pick up by 5 pm Monday.


If you’re looking for an even easier way to do your laundry, look no further. With our pick-up and delivery service, you only need to make one phone call! Just call our store and we’ll schedule a time to come pick up your laundry. We’ll get it fresh and clean, and have it delivered back to you within 48 hours. All your laundry finished, just like that! The only thing you need to do is give us a call.